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To 5B

Time flies. Another year’s nearly gone. Have you all started preparing for one of your important battles in your life- HKDSE? A well-prepared warrior will never be panic in front of his/ her enemies. Hence, what you need is to prepare yourself well before F.6 and your public examination.

5B is a class with lots of fun and laughter.  Starting from the 2nd term, standing inside this class, I can feel warmth and security. A lot of you would like to protect me from troubles and are willing to offer me help. I believe you all will be even more united, right?

You are all nearly grown up and I am glad that a lot of you are becoming more and more responsible. I hope you all can enjoy the rest of your time in YY2 and create unforgettable memories with your friends and teachers.

Simply remember, you are not alone. When you feel down and stressful, look around!  Anyone around you is ready and willing to help you out! 

by Mr.Lam Written on 17/5/2017






因為B班同學給我的印象是亦動亦靜,非常靈巧。動時,4B班能夠在陸運會得到高年級冠軍,以及在中三四的玄運會得到第一名。得到雙料冠軍,是我的第一次。為此,我為所有落力比賽、以及打氣的同學,感到無比驕傲和自豪。靜時, 4B 班亦囊括了不少學科的全級第一名,整體成績不俗,同學亦表現出仍有不少的進步能力和空間。如此成果,怎叫我這位一直在旁觀察的,不引以為傲?




這一句曾出現在我的中五畢業刊物的句子,至今仍然烙印在我的腦海內。雖然句子看似不祥,卻好像預視了我十年的B班生涯。一切緣起緣落,能否難忘? 這就靠大家的努力了! 起飛吧,我們的4B! 讓我們一起創造美好的回憶吧!




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